Meet Brikena Kolici

Bachelor’s Communication, Innovation, and Multimediality (2021, University of Pavia)

Master’s Digital Communication (2023, University of Pavia)

Brikena Kolici is an expert in digital communication. She studied at the University of Pavia where she obtained both her bachelor's and master's degrees, acquiring skills in digital marketing and communication. During her studies, she also gained experience abroad, including Spain. She began working early in her career as a student, first as a social media strategist and later as a digital communication expert. Today, she is responsible for internal communication at Cefriel, coordinating all necessary channels: the website, email marketing, event organisation, and social media management. She coordinates the various departments involved in this area and also manages external communication.


In the KEYSTONE project, Brikena oversees task 6.2, which focuses on stakeholder engagement. She is involved daily in managing relationships to foster engagement and implement targeted communication actions aimed at disseminating the project to a wider audience.

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