Meet the KEYSTONE Team.

Our consortium consists of 15 partners from 6 countries across the continent. The two project pilots span from Northern Italy to the Benelux coast - an area colloquially referred to as the “Blue Banana”.
Find out which partner is your right contact below!
Partner Profiles
Project Coordinator
TTS Italia
Guidlines for operators, authorities, stakeholders
T-Bridge Spa
Gap analysis of existing digital platforms
API reference model
App design
Risk management
RINA Consulting Spa
Business modelling
Exploitation & IPR management
Innovation management
Etelätär Innovation
App development
Market uptake
Smart Transportation Alliance
Communication & Dissemination
Technical University of Madrid
Support to definition of requirements, evaluation and communication & dissemination
Aethon Engineering
Plug & Play implementation framework
API standard
Gruber Logistics Spa
Digital ecosystem private-public perspectives
Road transport digital ecosystem
Evaluation with DTLF working group
Centro Interportuale Merci Spa
Intermodal digital ecosystem
Stakeholder definition and needs
App user interface
Demonstration scenarios
Stakeholder engagement
Support to the stakeholder definition and needs
Asociacion Espanola De La Carretera
Comparison of enforcement procedures for pilots
Evaluation methodology
Impact evaluation
Administrative & financial management
Technical management
Coventry University
KEYSTONE requirements
Cyber security of app
Ethical, legal and social impact
Data management
AGIM Consulting LTD
Gap Analysis & State of the Art