A step forward towards the digitisation of transport logistics: KEYSTONE consortium unites in Northern Italy
Focus Group Discussion as a part of the Steering Committee meeting at the CIM Interporto di Novara headquarters.
The KEYSTONE project partners met for a second time in person and held a dedicated meeting of the Project Steering Committee at the offices of partner CIM Interporto di Novara in Novara (Italy) from 28 to 29 November 2023. The two-day meeting was split in two distinct sections, as it started off with a Focus Discussion Group (FDG) with Italian stakeholders. Following the FDG, representatives from each work package were present to document, review and discuss the progress & development of KEYSTONE activities internally.

Day 1
The first day of the meeting kicked off with the FDG, which was chaired by Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Mauro Dell’ Amico (ICOOR - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)). Prof. Dr. Dell’Amico welcomed all participants, moderated the discussion and presented a review of the progress of KEYSTONE activities of the first six months of the start of the project. The host of the meeting, Mr. Massimo Arnese (ICT Manager at C.I.M. Spa Interporto di Novara (CIM)) demonstrated the value of the digital transition of the Italian transport and logistics sector. The session proved very helpful in elaborating and analysing topics such as critical assets (databases, digital goods & services), and the safe and efficient use of personal & sensitive data in transit, to map and visualize the strengths and weaknesses of the digitisation transition for the Italian enforcement authorities & logistics companies to build a safe and efficient transport ecosystem for goods and passengers.
Participants of the FDG included high-ranking representatives of the three main stakeholder groups of the project (logistics operators, enforcement authorities and freight terminals):
Mr. Aldo Croci (Director of IT Systems at Hupac Group);
Mr. Cristoforo Canavese (Present of CIM Spa Interporto di Novara);
Mr. Matteo Apollonio (Manager at DBA Group);
Mr. Pietro Rossi (Fleet Control Manager at Move Intermodal Srl);
Dr. Alessandra Faranda Cordella (Superintendent of the State Police Department of the Province of Novara);
Mr. Davide Tanzarella (Director of the Reggio Calabria Customs Office);
Mrs. Isabella Malinverno (Responsible at Antifraud Section and Controls at the Como Customs Office);
Dr. Francesco Militello (Coordinator at the Varese Customs Office);
Mr. Zampaglione Pasqualino (Coordinator of the Piedmont Road Judicial Department);
Mr. Vaglio Matteo (Police of Turin).
In parallel, an interview session was held, in which all work package representatives answered questions covering general, technical and personal aspects and shared inputs regarding the challenges faced throughout the implementation of KEYSTONE activities & their overall motivation and ambition for KEYSTONE.
To round off the day and following a short lunch break, Mrs. Giulia Renzi (ICOOR - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Prof. Dr. Alexeis Garcia Perez (Coventry University) and Dr. Sabino Metta (Cefriel) took the stage to present the update on the definition and collection of stakeholder needs and requirements (WP1) as well as a short update of administrative information and project management procedures (WP7).

Day 2
The second day consisted of internal updates, including firstly the definition of the API standard (WP2) KEYSTONE seeks to implement and subsequently the development of the project web app (WP3). Mrs. Zoe Petrakou (Aethon Engineering), Mrs. Camille Leotta (TBridge), Mr. Jesús Martinez Cuadrado (Etelätär Innovation) took the stage to dive deeper into the analysis of existing platforms and networks and the subsequent technical requirements for the consortium.
Furthermore, the objectives and planning for the piloting of the solution and standard, which will take place at the CIM and Gruber Logistics premises/corridors respectively, were presented by Mr. Fabrizio Borgogna (Gruber Logistics).
The meeting was wrapped up by a guided visit of the CIM Spa premises of the multi-modal logistics hub.
The meeting was a great success, and all partners had the opportunity to spend their time effectively by exchanging inputs proactively between them & brainstorming on ambitious future activities. Also, we are looking forward to the next meetings.