Why the digitisation of the logistics sector is overdue
Freight transport and logistics play a crucial role in the competitiveness of the Union economy and the social and economic cohesion of all regions of the Union. Since the 1990s, the European Union has supported the implementation of infrastructure projects in order to create a European market and develop economic, social cohesion and the free movement of goods and people.
The Trans-European Transport Networks (also known by the acronym "TEN-T", from the English "Trans-European Networks - Transport") were designed and built to make the movement of goods and people more efficient.
Map of the 9 TEN-T Core Network Corridors, Mobility & Transport, European Commission
On the contrary, the freight transport sector is one of the most responsible, after industry, for air pollution. Over the last decades, emissions produced by heavy-duty vehicles have progressively increased. In this regard, the European Parliament promulgated the "Fit for 55" in 2020, a package of reforms and regulations, focused on the fight against climate change. And it has set the ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels by 2030.
To make freight transport more efficient and sustainable and at the same time to allow the EU single market to keep on growing, the European Commission has recently (May 2023) presented a series of measures for ensuring greater sustainability and promoting an intermodal transport to keep freight traffic off the road. Even the European Court of Auditors recognised the importance of the intermodal tool.
Nevertheless, despite efforts to reduce road transport, 77% of transport still takes place by road.
The lack of information accessible in real-time and relating to intermodal terminals and the capabilities of the network represents an important issue to be addressed.
Apart from tackling climate change, the European Union aims to ensure the safe, efficient, sustainable, fair, and free movement of people and goods across the EU. In order to achive this goal, the EU has developed a broad framework of rules applicable to the road transport sector. For the purpose of guaranteeing the interconnection and interoperability of national road networks and facilitating the movement of goods and people within European territory, the European Union should be supported by a regulatory framework and an adequate enforcement system across borders, languages and legislative differences.
KEYSTONE, an EU Research & Innovation project, funded by the European Commission and the United Kingdom Research & Innovation (UKRI) aims to simplify cross-border logistics compliance, by creating a digital transport ecosystem that allows a safe and efficient future for the transport of goods and passengers.
This revolutionary project, which started on June 2023 and ends on 31 May 2026, has launched an ad-hoc survey, to collect the main needs and requirements from logistics operators and enforcement authorities.
The survey maps the needs and barriers to the digital transformation process in the transport sector, in order to understand better & create a digitalised and refined web app application that will reduce administrative burden and costs and will be used by both businesses and authorities across Europe.
Here are some preliminary findings concerning the background and location of participants of the survey:
HQ Country Locator Data
From the ongoing survey, KEYSTONE has received valuable feedback from stakeholders around Europe.
By sharing their insights and views anonymously, they can support the KEYSTONE consortium partners conceptualise more precisely the real needs and obstacles that are currently facing those involved in cross-border compliance and developing standardised digital solutions.
The questionnaire is available in several European languages for the convenience of the participants and respecting European diversity at its core, including English, French, German, Greek, Italian, and Spanish. The duration of the questionnaire is approximately 10 minutes & consists of multiple-choice, easy-to-answer questions for logistics operators, freight terminals and enforcement authorities.
All interested stakeholders will have the opportunity to engage in KEYSTONE's upcoming activities and participate in extensive knowledge transfer and capacity-building workshops and events throughout the duration of the project in an effort to foster the definition and adoption of the EU standardised protocol proposed by KEYSTONE.
The analysis of the results will allow to design and implement new technologies for enhancing the data exchange between the IT platforms currently used from logistics operators and public authorities.
Do you want to help us shape the future of transport & become part of this revolutionary project and KEYSTONE’s team?
Complete this 10’ minutes survey and let us hear your feedback.
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