Meet Interuniversity Consortium for Optimization and Operation Research (ICOOR)
WP5 leader: Evaluation, Guidelines and Ethical Impact
T5.1: Evaluation Methodology
Meet Interuniversity Consortium for Optimization and Operation Research (ICOOR)
ICOOR's mission is to conduct, promote, and coordinate studies in the field of Operational Research.
With a presence in various Italian cities, ICOOR leverages opportunities to engage with numerous businesses and municipalities, each characterized by unique geographical and social dynamics. ICOOR’s organisation comprises several Italian universities, including the Polytechnic University of Bari, University of Bologna, University of Cagliari, University of Camerino, Polytechnic University of Milan, University of Pisa, University of Trieste, and Polytechnic University of Turin.
ICOOR's competencies in transport research and innovation focus on supporting decision-making processes, planning, and policymaking in transportation. This entails developing optimisation algorithms and strategies to enhance the mobility of people and goods, alongside assessing innovative practices in mobility.
In the field of ICT and telecommunications, ICOOR is engaged in network planning and design, as well as service design and management, ensuring that telecommunication networks meet the needs of subscribers and operators effectively.
Within the energy sector, ICOOR has a strong focus on developing strategies to optimise production, planning, and network distribution. This includes industrial cogeneration and tele-heating networks, with a commitment to finding efficient solutions that benefit both the economy and society.
By developing systems and algorithms, ICOOR supports production activities to achieve the best balance between efficiency, quality, and sustainability.
ICOOR actively participates in national and international networks that facilitate valuable contacts and partnerships, contributing to the growth of our capabilities, experiences, and expertise. This includes engagement with organisations such as ALICE, EFFRA, and ERTICO, which play crucial roles in supporting research and innovation initiatives at both the European and international levels.
Relevant Background & Expertise
ICOOR's core competency lies in the development of optimisation methodologies and decision-making support through Operations Research, emphasizing the crucial role of algorithmic definition in various optimization fields. Leveraging a deep understanding of users' and stakeholders' requirements, ICOOR ensures a comprehensive knowledge of the real problems of users, acquirers and customers.
With a robust background and extensive project involvement, ICOOR serves as a benchmark in evaluation definition and management, highlighting the significance of designing appropriate methodologies and executing objective impact assessments for project success.
ICOOR is highly competent in the conceptualisation, definition, creation and management of pilots, living labs and use cases, thanks to its network of member universities across Italy, offering diverse perspectives shaped by various urban, industrial, geographic, and social characteristics.
ICOOR boasts extensive experience in the business model definition, crucial for articulating how project services or solutions generate, distribute, and capture value.
Over the years, ICOOR has made significant contributions to numerous national and international projects, including participation in Horizon Europe initiatives like the CCAM, Green Vehicles, Logistics (such as involvement in the FENIX network), Intelligent Vehicles, Urban Mobility, and Safety, reaffirming its status as a trusted partner in driving innovative initiatives forward.
In the KEYSTONE project, ICOOR is the leader of WP5: Evaluation, Guidelines and Ethical Impact and is responsible for T5.1: Evaluation Methodology. In these roles, ICOOR undertakes the evaluation of all activities within KEYSTONE, with particular attention given to addressing concerns surrounding data protection, legal compliance, societal impact, and ethical considerations arising from the development of KEYSTONE technologies.
Under Task 5.1, ICOOR's objective is to craft a unified evaluation plan tailored for both the project's pilots and use cases. This plan will encompass defining the evaluation prerequisites, formulating pertinent study inquiries, and establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Meet the ICOOR Team
Mauro Dell’Amico
Paulo Cantillano Lizana
Senior Project Manager